《Gear of War 4》Beta評測及遊戲介紹



啱啱呢個星期 Xbox One 重量級大作《Gear of War 4》就開咗 Open Beta試玩,係24 日起全面開放 Xbox Live 會員測試,係呢段時間可以玩到「Versus 對抗」模式。 而Beta 會係 5 月 1 日結束。試玩完之後我有個感覺,就係好想叫人買 Xbox One一齊玩!


《Gear of War 4》係一款第三身射擊遊戲,由The Coalition開發,Microsoft Studios係Xbox One上發表, 遊戲將於10月11日開賣。今集係第五款《Gear of War》系列遊戲,亦都係第四款主要劇情遊戲。另外由於時代背景不同,今集封面人物就唔再係我地熟悉既Marcus,改為由佢個仔JD Fenix同佢2位拍檔擔正。根據 Gameinformer 獨家報導,今集故事將會設定於3代之後大約25年,暫時未知道 Marcus會唔會登場。



GOW (1)

JD Fenix

JD Fenix is the primary protagonist in Gears of War 4, and the son of legendary war hero Marcus Fenix. JD is an idealist who ran away from home at a young age to join the the COG militia only to go AWOL after a classified incident that players will learn more about during the game.

Played by: Liam McIntyre who is best known for his work as the male lead in the Starz series Spartacus. He also recently played the Weather Wizard on the The CW show The Flash.



GOW (2)

Kait Diaz
Kait Diaz was born and raised outside of the walled city-states protecting most of humanity. Her parents were leaders of this group of Outsiders, but her father died tragically years ago. Kait isn’t familiar with how the COG works, but she is a capable survivalist who forms a quick friendship with JD.

Played by: Laura Bailey, who is an accomplished voice actor, with roles as Kid Trunks in Dragon Ball Z, Spartan Olympia Vale in Halo 5: Guardians, and Jaina Proudmoore in World of Warcraft, among others.



GOW (3)

Delmont “Del” Walker
Delmont “Del” Walker is another ex-COG soldier. Del was an orphan who became friends with JD at boarding school. When JD ran off to join the Army, Del followed his lead. Unfortunately, Del was also involved with the classified incident that sent both of them running out into the wilds of Sera, seeking refuge among the Outsiders. Still, Del remains deeply loyal to JD.

Played by: Eugene Byrd, who recently played Marcus “Boomer” Boone in last year’s shooter Battlefield Hardline. He also appears as a recurring cast member on television shows like Arrow and Bones.


Beta試玩已經見到晒3位新主角(不過我鐘意朱古力波 Cole Train囉)




今次既 Beta佢只係有「Versus 對抗」模式,不過真係無乜所謂,因為淨係呢個模式都夠玩啦!利申我3代只係玩咗一陣,因為我覺得整體觀感無2做得咁好,而果隻Gears of War: Judgment就更加唔好提啦……不過好明顯係知道自己衰咩從而汲取到教訓,今次 Gear of War 4一玩我已經上手,因為好有2代 Feel!黎到次世代關係,流暢度簡直高到爆炸,臨場感同氣氛亦都非常一流,舊有既射擊感,換掩體,ShotGun零距離盲射全部係晒度之餘,場地設計比以往簡單同埋面積細小,咁既設定就會令到雙方一開戰就極速埋牙,混戰連場(仲好方便我周圍搵陰濕位插炸彈)。








另外系列必備既血腥處決,快樂既電鋸聲就梗唔少得,現階段我見到舊有既武器包括:機械弓、狙擊槍、榴彈砲、手榴彈都依然有得用,但係就未見有雷神之槌啦,至於新武器我暫時淨係用過 DropShot,呢樣武器係射舊野出黎可以選擇射人定係射地下,類似榴彈砲,至於另一樣宣傳果陣話有既Buzzkill鋸片發射器就仲未見到有。新動作方面有過掩體時踢人同跨過掩護捉人,詳情可以睇返上面條片,係「Versus 對抗」模式我用過踢人H,效果係踢完對方會定2秒左右,足夠用 ShotGun爆頭。


新武器 DropShot







另外係多人模式中因為電腦會因應等級分配能力咁上下既對手,所以今次有樣新野,就係 Bounty System,簡單講呢個 Bounty System就係 Mission黎,係入面可以選擇唔同既 Bounty 卡,當完成卡上面既 Target之後就會得就會得到額外的獎勵,咁就唔洗一日到黑都係打雜魚,可以快手脫離新手階段。


Bounty System




令外老手最驚既就一定係連線問題,有經歷過2代既都一定試過掹線做Host呢個階段(當然後來取消咗呢招就變成Lag到爆炸),今次 Beta個人感覺係叫做順既,感覺大約係60ping左右,我個人可以接受。另外就係畫面表達方面,新手入局可能要經歷一段適應期,因為《Gear of War》系列跑步成個畫面係會左 Fing 右 Fing既,呢樣野其他槍 Game係無既,應該會幾唔習慣,另外遊戲鏡頭既轉會速度亦都非常之快(你唔set快個鏡頭轉身會慢到痴線),新手亦都會唔慣,呢點係要提提準備入坑既朋友。

整體黎講我覺得今集《Gear of War 4》絕對係佳作黎,當然未諗定既朋友可以等等睇埋故事模式係點先決定(咁1-3個故事都唔錯既),不過我就買硬架啦!







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